
The esgmkpubrec command uses the output data from esgmapconv to populate metadata for the dataset and file records. This command also requires the output of the autocurator command, which populates additional metadata using the mapfile and puts it into a separate json file. This output is the input to the esgpidcitepub command.


esgmkpubrec is used with the following syntax:

esgmkpubrec --scan-file <scan file> --map-data <JSON file>

where <JSON file> is the aforementioned output from esgmapconv and <scan file> is the output of autocurator<>`_. The output is again defaulted to stdout, but can easily be redirected using the ``--out-file option.

The other command line options are as follows:

usage: esgmkpubrec [-h] [--set-replica] [--no-replica] [--json JSON]
                   --scan-file SCAN_FILE --map-data MAP_DATA
                   [--out-file OUT_FILE] [--data-node DATA_NODE]
                   [--index-node INDEX_NODE] [--project PROJ]
                   [--config CFG] [--silent] [--verbose]

Publish data sets to ESGF databases.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --set-replica         Enable replica publication.
    --no-replica          Disable replica publication.
    --json JSON           Load attributes from a JSON file in .json form. The attributes will override any found in the DRS structure or global attributes.
    --scan-file SCAN_FILE
                          JSON output file from autocurator.
    --map-data MAP_DATA   Mapfile json data converted using esgmapconv.
    --out-file OUT_FILE   Optional output file destination. Default is stdout.
    --data-node DATA_NODE
                          Specify data node.
    --index-node INDEX_NODE
                          Specify index node.
    --project PROJ        Set/overide the project for the given mapfile, for use with selecting the DRS or specific features, e.g. PrePARE, PID.
    --config CFG, -cfg CFG     Path to config file.
    --silent              Enable silent mode.
    --verbose             Enable verbose mode.

NOTE: esgmkpubrec has customized settings and features depending on the project. If the project is undefined, it will use default settings which may not work for your project and could result in errors. It is highly recommended to specify your project, and also use the config file to specify if it is non-netcdf data.