
The esgmigrate command migrates old config settings from the old publisher into a new config file formatted for the current new publisher. The output will be found in $HOME/.esg/esg.yaml which is the default config file path the publisher will read from.


esgmigrate is used with the following syntax:


By default, esgmigrate will attempt to read the old config file at /esg/config/esgcet and will write the new config file to $HOME/.esg/esg.yaml. To override these defaults, use the optional command line arguments below.

Additional command line options are as follows:

usage: esgmigrate [-h] [--old-config CFG] [--silent] [--verbose]
                  [--project PROJECT] [--destination DEST]

Migrate old config settings into new format.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help          show this help message and exit
    --old-config CFG    Full path to old config file to migrate.
    --silent            Enable silent mode.
    --verbose           Enable verbose mode.
    --project PROJECT   Name of a particular legacy project to migrate.
    --destination DEST  Destination for new config file.

Note that --old-config should point to a directory, not the file itself; however, --destination should be a complete file path including the file name.