Publisher Introduction

The esg-publisher or esgcet package is Python module, a collection of command-line utilities to scan, manipulate and push dataset metadata to an ESGF index node. The basic publication process includes several basic steps and sometimes optional steps. Publisher functionality is available via several submodles/classes in the package.

The publisher software has undergone a significant change starting with v5.* of the software. Prior versions involved storage of dataset metadata in the legacy ESGF data node PostgreSQL database and generation of THREDDS catalogs. The actual publication to the ESGF index occured via catalog harvesting. Instead, the more recent publisher simplifies the process with the following phases:

  1. Local scan of datasets (featuring the autocurator package by default)
  2. Record generation using scan, mapfile and auxiliary (json) information/files as input
  3. Update check of existing dataset, previous version manipulation.
  4. Push/publish of record(s) to ESGF index

And several optional project-specific phases:

  • Automatic metadata checking with PrePARE (CMIP6-only as of today)
  • PID registration and citiation URL generation (CMIP6 and input4MIPs)

For those familiar with the previous publisher, please be aware of the following distinctions between earlier versions and v5.*

  • A Python3 conda environment is required (most prior versions have run Python2)
  • the configuration (.ini) file format is new and have been vastly simplified. Note that the old format for project-specific .ini files are still used by the esgf-prepare tools (eg. esgmapfile). The v5. publisher has the ability to migrate the needed settings from the previous ini files.
  • Prior invocation of esgpublish required use of --thredds and --publish stages. Those arguments are eliminated. In the general case, you can run esgpublish in a single command. Advanced users may chose to run the individual publishing steps separately to create workflows, for instance, in the use of an external workflow manager.


  • conda eg. Miniconda installation.
  • Mountpoint to located data on the same host as publisher software installation, so the publisher scan utility (eg. autocurator) has access.
  • Basic dataset information provided via the esg mapfile format. The most popular approach is using the esgf-prepare/esgmapfile utility.